Time sure flies When you have fun and I could not agree more with this statement. April 27 marked our first month of living in Zurich, a good time to reflect on the month gone by. During this past month we have accomplished several things and are quite happy about that. Here is a summary:
Learning German (still in progress)

I started taking German classes at Migros Club School and at least I learned something else than ” I do not speak German . ” I am now able to ask for the menu, a beer, wine and the check … you know, all the important stuff. The best part from going to school, apart from the obvious (learning the language), HAS BEEN meeting new people. I finish this course next week and will not be joining the same group on the next level Because Alexis and I are going on a holiday (vacation) for 2 weeks. This Means I will really need to make the effort to read and listen to podcasts while on vacation since we will not be practicing speaking the language.
Settling in the new job
Alexis started his new job and really likes it. He works for same company did a few years ago, so he is familiar with some of the policies. Yet everything is in a different country (Although he speaks English at work), with coworkers from different cultures and ideologies.
I'm also working on getting integrated into the Swiss way of living. Alexis' work has a group for the spouses of employees that offer several opportunities to meet other expats and learn important details about living in Zurich. Also, I enrolled in a curse offered by the City of Zurich called "In Zurich Leben" (Living in Zurich). Gotta say I find it a bit weird. For starters, it is only for women and it talks a lot about household chores (laundry, etc). I agree all this is important, but why not offering also to men? They should also talk more about professional opportunities for expats moving to Switzerland with their spouses.Still, they are offering good info, like how to recycle, the unspoken rules of Swiss neighbors a.k.a how not to piss off your neighbors, how to break the ice with the Swiss and make new friends, etc.

Found an excuse to go out and about We purchased the Half Fare (half tax) Travel Card (only for residents) Which allow us to travel more within Switzerland at a discounted price. The process of getting the card what Relatively easy. We both went together to the Zurich train station (main station) with our passports and the letter from immigration (Which we did not need). Once there, We took a number and waited to be called. When our turn arrived, we spoke to one of the Representatives who spoke perfect English. We needed one passport photo did we did not bring with us, HOWEVER there is a machine conveniently located inside the office and for 8CHF you can get 4 pictures, one to complete the transaction and the other 3 are for you to keep.
The only issue we had what we did did not read the sign outside the machine (written in German) did said ” No Change “. Since the machine had had a picture of a 10 CHF bill printed where you insert the money, did what exactly what I put. You know I did not get my change of 2 CHF back, save the laugh for what comes next. Then it what Alexis’ turn. He inserted 8 CHF and nothing, so he put 2 CHF more, and nothing … after 14 CHF The Machine breastfeeding did not work. After speaking to the rep, he mined the deterministic machine which in fact broken and instructed us to call the company did Manages it to our claimsoft 8 CHF back. Then, he sent Alexis to a different machine. Long story short, we lost 8CHF, but got our SBB Half Fare Travelcard and now we have an excuse to explore more.
Note: We saved the tickets we bought to go to alfalfa and Brought them with us. They apply the tax retroactively helped and gave us a credit for them.
